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Arrow Nose Correction Surgery_Rhinoplasty Korea


최종 수정일: 2024년 10월 8일

Hello, I’m  Dr. Chayoung Kang, director of Noselab Clinic.

Today, there was a man who came to the clinic with a stuffy nose, and he also wanted to correct a long, deviated and arrow-shaped nose.

Preoperative design consultation

Let’s take a look at the pre-operative design consultation.

Frontal view before surgery

  • Arrow nose

  • Deviated nose

  • Long nose

  • Droopy  nose

This patient’s nose was curved in an oblique line from the front, and it was long and had an arrow-shaped nose tip that looked spread-out. It was a typical long nose shape.

Side profile view before surgery

  • flat nose

  • hollow nasal dorsum 

  • wide nasal alar

Seen from the side, the nose bridge was flat and curved inwards, the connection of the nose bridge and tip looked unnatural and the nose seemed to be drooping.

Photo of the nostrils before the surgery


  • Nostril asymmetry 

  • Bulbous nose

  • Wide nose

The nostrils were asymmetrical and the nose looked blunt and spread out.

Surgical plan

The patient complained of nasal congestion and the septum was completely bent to the left, the right turbinate was greatly enlarged, and since the asymmetry was significant there was a watery lesion was observed in the right maxillary and a partial increase in shading was seen in the sphenoid sinus. Therefore, functional surgery (septoplasty, high-frequency laser inferior turbinate submucosal resection) was planned under the diagnosis of septal deviation, hypertrophic rhinitis, and chronic sinusitis.

CT image taken before surgery.

  • To correct the deviated nose, we performed an external nasal bone osteotomy and planned to use a silicone prosthesis to improve the flat nose bridge.

  • To correct the nose tip, I planned use the septal cartilage and donated rib cartilage while correcting the deviated septum by performing a septal graft extension.

Before and After surgery photos

Let’s take a look at the before and after surgery comparison photos.

Before surgery (left), after surgery (right)
Before surgery (left), after surgery (right)

When observing the 90 degree-angle view photo, the flexion of the nasal dorsum has been neatly corrected, and the height of the glabela naturally increased, the tip of the nose that looked droopy and blunt has been corrected to be a nasolabial angle of approximately 90 degrees.

By observing the 45-degree photo, we can clearly see that the depressed part on the nasal dorsum has been definitely corrected.

Before surgery (left), after surgery (right)
Before surgery (left), after surgery (right)

From the front the nose tip that looked excessively wide and had an arrow-like shape was changed to have a more natural appearance.

Before surgery (left), after surgery (right)
Before surgery (left), after surgery (right)

By observing the photo of the nostrils, we can see that the nostrils that were expanding to the sides and were asymmetric look more natural now.

After surgery photos

Photos taken immediately after surgery 90-degrees view, 45-degrees view, frontal view.
Photos taken immediately after surgery 90-degrees view, 45-degrees view, frontal view.
Photo of the nostrils after surgery.
Photo of the nostrils after surgery.

Dr. Kang’s opinion regarding arrow-shaped nose correction

An arrow nose is common in long noses. Most people who have a long, aquiline nose, with a droopy tip, tend to have a nose that looks like an arrow from the front. Among Korean comedians, arrow nose is common, and thanks to the person who made the word popular, I think the word arrow nose is very familiar to Koreans. There are many foreign patients in our hospital too, but it’s very awkward to see that they don’t understand what we mean by arrow nose very well.

The most important thing about the correction of an arrow nose is to make the tip of the nose stand strong, but to do this, the septal cartilage needs to be straight and sturdy. So we have to make the tip of the nose stand up with a very strong and large cartilage. And sometimes it needs to be over-corrected to the point where it can be seen slightly upturned since the nose is so big and it is likely to return to its initial state if it is not over-corrected, and the patient may feel like their nose looks like an arrow again. For the correction of an arrow nose surgical materials are sometimes more important than the surgical method.

Today, we talked about an arrow-shaped nose correction. I hope this text is helpful for those who have an arrow-shaped nose and are considering rhinoplasty.

Dr. Chayoung Kang

Director of Noselab Clinic



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