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Customized Rhinoplasty for Pointed Nose Tip and Cartilage Visibility – Nose Lab Clinic


Hello, I’m Dr. Cha-Young Kang, Director of Nose Lab Clinic.

Today, I’m excited to share a case of highly customized rhinoplasty, specifically tailored to address a pointed nose tip and cartilage visibility concerns. This case demonstrates how we incorporate a patient’s unique requests to achieve their desired outcomes.

1. Patient Background and Requirements

Surgical History:

  • 2020: Ear cartilage and tip surgery + philtrum reduction

  • 2022: Ear cartilage and tip surgery + silicone implant + alar base reduction + philtrum reduction

  • 2023: Implant removal + donor rib cartilage + septal cartilage and extension

Design Consultation: Frontal View, Left Side View, and Oblique Side View Photos.

Patient’s Specific Requests:

  • Softening of the pointed nose tip

  • Resolution of cartilage visibility at the tip

  • Maintenance or slight increase in tip height (with a rounded shape)

  • Retain current dorsal height and shape

  • Retain the slightly upturned nostril appearance

Design Consultation: Right Side View, Oblique Side View, and Nostril View Photos

Video Showing Protruding Nasal Tip Cartilage, Sunken Nasal Bridge, and Crooked Nose

2. Surgical Plan

  • Tip Reinforcement: Augmentation with donor rib cartilage

  • Skin Strengthening: Placement of artificial dermis at the tip to prevent cartilage show-through

  • Correction of Nasolabial Angle: Adjust for enhanced natural balance

3. Surgical Execution

Tip Reconstruction:

  • Removal of previous ear cartilage grafts

  • Broad coverage of the nose tip with donor rib cartilage for a softened contour

  • Placement of artificial dermis for additional skin thickness and prevention of cartilage show-through

Cartilage Reconstruction:

  • Rebuilding absent alar cartilage for structural support

  • Augmentation of a minor dorsal depression with donor rib cartilage

Post-Surgery Video Reflecting 100% of the Patient’s Requirements

Before (Left) / Immediately After (Right)

Before (Left) / Immediately After (Right)

Before (Left) Frontal Photo, Before (Right) Nasal Tip Cartilage Protrusion (Arrow)

Immediately After (Left) Diagram of Donated Rib Cartilage Graft, Immediately After (Right)

Before (Left) / Immediately After (Right)

4. Key Aspects of the Custom Plan

  • Preservation of Dorsal Shape: Honoring the patient’s request, we maintained the subtle bump above the dorsum for a familiar profile.

  • Upturned Tip Appearance: Adjusted to retain the patient’s preferred elevated tip shape.

  • Use of Donor Rib Cartilage: Respected the patient’s choice to avoid autologous tissue.

  • Increased Tip Height: Incorporated to meet the patient’s preference for a slightly elevated, rounded tip.

5. Conclusion

Immediately After Surgery: Frontal, Side, and Oblique Side Photos

Immediately After Surgery: Nostril Photos

At Nose Lab, we are committed to achieving a fully customized rhinoplasty experience that respects each patient’s aesthetic vision while ensuring medical safety. This case showcases the careful integration of the patient’s specific requests with our expertise, resulting in a personalized and satisfying outcome.

Through extensive consultations, we provide clarity and collaboration with our patients, ensuring their choices are informed and respected. For anyone with similar concerns, this case underscores the possibility of achieving a natural and personalized look through tailored rhinoplasty.

If you are considering rhinoplasty and have specific requirements, I encourage you to consult with a specialist to explore your options.

Thank you for reading. This is Dr. Cha-Young Kang at Nose Lab Clinic.

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